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A Beginner’s Guide To Picking The Right Handgun For Home Defense


Handguns have long been essential tools to help individuals feel safe. They are convenient, compact, and allow you to defend yourself effectively in a wide range of situations. But are you unsure of how to get the right handgun for home defense for yourself? Well, we have just the right considerations for you!

How To Choose The Right Handgun For Home Defense

1. Consider The Caliber

Choosing a smaller-sized caliber means that there will be milder recoil every time you shoot. This brings about the added benefit of higher-capacity magazines. It is also true that a wide range of law enforcement agencies tend to lean toward a 9mm caliber. This is mainly because it is budget-friendly and offers greater control while you shoot.

The best part is that it also delivers higher firepower to make it an all-purpose and excellent handgun caliber. It will make you feel calm and protected in the four walls of your home. 

2. Think Of The Safety Feature

There are two sides to the safety feature on a handgun and we will lay them both out for you. Keep in mind that safety on your gun is a major benefit, especially if you plan on carrying your weapon in your pocket or storing it in the house. This will add an extra layer of security and peace of mind for you.

On the other hand, others say that the safety feature is not quite effective in the heat of the moment. You could forget to disengage it when needed and lose precious time. Ultimately, the decision is yours, as you need to evaluate what makes you feel more secure. 

3. Focus On The Quality

Before you can go about purchasing a gun, you need to look into the different brands and types in the market. Make sure to check out the reviews of the brand you choose and ensure its reliability before the final decision. 

If possible, try to hold the weapon in your hand for a better idea of its feel. This will be an ideal opportunity to check sights, material, and grip as well. After all, it is your peace of mind and safety on the line. 

The primary thing to keep in mind is to do ample research and compare different weapons until you find the best handgun for home defense.


Much like clothing, every person has their individual and ideal fit when it comes to picking a handgun for home defense. However, in order to make the right decision, you need to take certain considerations into account, such as those mentioned above.

At the end of the day, the weapon you choose to bring home will depend on your personal preferences and what makes you feel the most secure in the comfort of your humble abode.