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Investing In Safety: Learn All About The Different Types Of Rifles


Rifle enthusiasts tend to be a discerning bunch and rightfully so. When you aim to propel a small piece of metal faster than sound to hit the bullseye, every tiny detail counts. This is why, it is okay to be picky about your choice of rifle. After all, they are your tools of precision. 

Just like a golfer carries around a bunch of clubs to take different shots, you can stock up on several different types of rifles in your gun safe. This is because the same weapon may not come in handy for every different hunting and shooting adventure.

At the end of the day, it is all about finding the right tool to get the job. So, let’s take a look at what we have in store. 

The Different Types Of Rifles You Should Know About

1. Bolt Action Rifle

If you have ever gone out hunting, chances are you have encountered a bolt-action rifle. These deadly babies garnered the attention of rifle enthusiasts back in the 20th century because of their high-pressure cartridges. 

Today, you will find that a large number of the most precise rifles belong to this category. The best part is that you can easily find them in repeater and single-shot configurations with each packing around five rounds. 

Your love for bolt actions will soon bloom, especially once you experience its ability to nail targets on the head. They are deadly accurate and quick to fire. You can rest assured they never miss their target when used with precision. 

2. Lever-Action Rifles

Lever action rifles became the talk of the town in the middle of the 19th century and marked a giant leap forward in the field of rifle tech. From personal defense to military use, you will see these babies being used for a wide range of purposes throughout history.

Even today, you will see a large chunk of hunters swearing by this type of rifle. The reason is that the lever-action rifles are light as a feather, a quick lock on prey, and a dream to handle. The good news is that these can pack anywhere between five to fifteen spare cartridges, giving you the chance to hunt with ease. 

3. Falling Block Rifles

Have you ever heard of falling block rifles? Well, these are quite popular because instead of the age-old bolt, they come with a chunky piece of metal often referred to as a breach block. This seals off the end of the barrel of the weapon, getting you locked, loaded, and ready to fire. 

One of the best traits of this rifle is that every time the block goes down, all the spent casings fall out like dominos, getting ejected like clockwork. Consequently, you are guaranteed smooth sailing with falling block rifles. 


 Are you ready to hit the hunting ground running for your next great adventure? Well, the only thing you need is the perfect rifle to go with your excitement. 

Whether you are tracking down moose or on the trail of some deer, every rifle has its own unique job to do. Pick the one that suits your purpose and preferences the most and you are good to go!